March 06, 2011

A new lease of life.

They were a cute, young couple. When the two of them started going out, they were just about 17 years old. They had no idea how damaging real relationships can be. They were just two youngsters trying to have fun as they built on to the impulsively planned out future. A bright future ahead of them, supportive parents, gushing young blood and delightfully optimistic minds.

Initially, all the newness of a relationship held their hands through. Everything was a first time. The first date, the first big hug, the first kiss, the first time they said the three words. It seemed like they were on a cloud they would never come down from. Top of the world.

And then, the buzz settled down. Things started creeping in, small nuances in understanding took over. The smooth skating rink suddenly wasn’t as smooth anymore. Cracks developed micro-structurally and grew bigger. And as time slowed down in their lives, they had forgotten slowly what they liked about each other. All they could remember was the friction. They could only see the thorns and not the rose!

Finally, things boiled to a point of no return. It was just bitter, sour and there were scars visible and inerasable. So, they went their own ways, parallel to one another. They thought they would never see light again as they travelled in the tunnel of life.

And then came the most important phase of their thinking. I call it ‘filtering’. When they were hurt, when they were the phoenix in the ashes, they had the best realizations of their lives. They could finally see all that they needed to be comfortable with a person. They could see the things that they didn’t want at all. And finally, they could make decisions without their hormones interfering. Only then did they realize, they still had all that they had always had; bright futures ahead of them, supportive parents, gushing young blood and an optimally pessimistic mind.

They were now a couple of young people whose pessimism guided their lives. They knew what to expect, what to hope for and what to plan for. They would never take a bite too much. They would never take a step too big. But they always go forward in life, for they know for sure that it is fun because they still remember all the wonderful times they had together. It was just with the wrong person.

And today, they wait for the right person. Well, it’s just pitiful fate that they aren’t as close anymore and can’t tell each other when they do find their one. They’ve learnt to accept it too, it’s the price they paid for their new lease of life.

-- Dedicated to all those people who’ve made me think the way I do. Thank you for being with me! :)


Unknown said...

awesome da:)

Unknown said...

HMMMMMMMM heavy stuff.... this realization also comes a bit too late for some people !!.. well.. good.. true... best of luck.......

Anonymous said...

^ exacly... heavy stuff.. :)
i like your easy going style..
keep writing.. awaiting more imaginary stories ;)
plus try keeping it as far as possible from personal ones.. thats when the 'real' writer comes out in you who imagines and writes his stories... :) all the best..

sudha said...

Amazing! U have said the painful part of the life in an easier way. (practical life!?) Good!

kms said...

congrats! very good imagination and creation which is true. It happens in every individual life. If we understand as u said life will be bed of roses otherwise we will find only thorns and not petals.Best wishes.Expecting more from u!

Deepak Valagam said...

Thank you guys so much! :) :)

Aarthy said...

well, probably they are determined not to repeat mistakes...:)
I like the way you have concluded

Anonymous said...

‘Delightfully optimistic’ minds becoming ‘optimally pessimistic’ minds- Fine choice of words.
Nice blog.

Deepak Valagam said...

Thank you all again :) Inspires me to write more! Please keep visiting!!

manasa said...

1.wrong person

2.dedicated to ALL those people....

uh,nice one! :) its funny how that phase seems so blah years later but makes u the writer u are( in most cases).